MyCollege Career Institute, LLC
Engage Parents. Inform Students. Focus on the Future.
"Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do." - Jim Rohn

“Two years ago when my son started talking about going to college I didn’t have a clue what to do or how to help him. Another parent referred me to Mrs. Grant (now Dr. Grant), an experienced and caring parent, who sat with us and explained the basics of the college admissions process. She assisted my son with completing college applications, the financial aid packet and the works. My son and I will never forget her. We are constantly in touch with her about his progress. He is now a graduate student at Garrett Evangelical Seminary , Evanston, Illinois majoring in music education and doing well.”
- Minnie, a Claflin Graduate Mom
Disclaimer: A student’s participation in the MyCollege Career Institute, LLC activities does not guarantee acceptance into a 2- year or 4-year college or university of his or her choice. Acceptance to colleges vary and may depend on students’ high school GPA, SAT or ACT scores, teacher recommendations, meeting application deadlines , family support. and more.