
Built To Last...My Story
Pre-Order Now & Get Your Copy at our upcoming Book Signing December 11, 2021 or have it mailed directly to you.
GOD has blessed me to birth a book and a journal and I am so honored to offer them both as a package.
Grab both signed copies for our pre-sale pricing of $19.99
Built to Last...My Story chronicles the life of the writer who was reared by her Mother and loving grandparents. She never knew her father, who drowned as a result of a freak swimming accident a few months before she was born. Raised in a God-fearing, loving family but with little money, she was determined to succeed and be the first in her family to graduate from college.
After a successful marriage (but then losing her husband after a long illness), obtaining her doctorate and raising two successful children, this book is written to enlighten and encourage the reader. You are invited to follow along through the hills and valleys of her life. She learned the value of not folding in but blossoming out. The resilience to depend on faith, hope, and trust in God gave her the strength to endure.
Sometimes, we tend to focus only on what is going on in our lives. It is amazing how helping someone else with their troubles, helps the helper to keep going. God's word over and over again teaches us to help others. We must remember that He did not promise us that every day would be Sunday, but that if we trust Him and never doubt He will surely bring us out. ". . . at the dawning, in the morning, joy will come." Jesus said, "If you love me, feed my sheep."